I’m looking for excellent candidates for postdoc, PhD, and intern positions.
If you’re interested in doing research with me, please write me an email.
Research Interests
- distributed algorithms
- synthetic biology
- mathematical modeling of microbiological systems
- chemical reaction networks
Current Students and Post-Docs
- Johannes Bund, post-doc (co-supervised with Matthias Függer)
- Mariapia D’Urso, PhD student (co-supervised with Matthias Függer)
- Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, research intern
- Alexandra Loudieres, PhD student (co-supervised with Matthias Függer)
- Suhana Nujum G, research intern (co-supervised with Benedikt Bollig and Matthias Függer)
- Mélanie Pietri, PhD student (co-supervised with Sakina Bensalem, Matthias Függer, and Bruno Le Pioufle)
- Kerian Thuillier, post-doc (co-supervised with Benedikt Bollig and Matthias Függer)
- Zhuofan Xu, PhD student (co-supervised with Benedikt Bollig and Matthias Függer)
- Paul Zeinaty, PhD student (co-supervised with Benedikt Bollig and Matthias Függer)
- CELLS 2022 (Computing among Cells) at DISC 2022, October 28, 2022, online
- CELLS 2021 (Computing among Cells) at DISC 2021, October 8, 2021, online
- CELLS 2020 (Computing among Cells) at DISC 2020, October 12, 2020, online
- CELLS 2019 (Computing among Cells) at DISC 2019 on October 14, 2019, in Budapest
- WENDY (Emergent Algorithms and Network Dynamics) on October 10-11, 2018, at Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris
- SSS 2018 (PC member), PODC 2019 (Publication Chair), PODC 2020 (PC member), DISC 2020 (PC member), SAND 2023 (PC member), SIROCCO 2023 (PC member), PODC 2024 (PC member), ICDCN 2025 (PC member), SIROCCO 2025 (PC member), SSS 2025 (PC member)
Ferdowsi, A., Függer, M., Nowak, T., Schmid, U., and Drmota, M. 2025. Faithful dynamic timing analysis of digital circuits using continuous
thresholded mode-switched ODEs. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 56, 101572.
Pujar, A., Pathania, A., Hopper, C., et al. 2024. Phage-mediated intercellular CRISPRi for biocomputation in bacterial
consortia. Nucleic Acids Research, gkae1256.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Rybicki, J. 2024. Majority Consensus Thresholds in Competitive Lotka-Volterra
Populations. Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing, Association for Computing Machinery, 76–86.
Cravo, F., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2024. An Allee-based distributed algorithm for microbial whole-cell
sensors. npj Systems Biology and Applications 10, 43.
Nowak, T., Schmid, U., and Winkler, K. 2024. Topological Characterization of Consensus in Distributed Systems. Journal of the ACM 71, 6, 39:1–39:48.
Xu, Z., Bollig, B., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2024. Permutation Equivariant Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Armed
Bandit. 2024 IEEE 36th International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI), 975–983.
Ferdowsi, A., Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2023. Continuity of Thresholded Mode-Switched ODEs and Digital Circuit
Delay Models. Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Hybrid
Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC).
Attiya, H., Castañeda, A., and Nowak, T. 2023. Topological Characterization of Task Solvability in General Models of
Computation. In: Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Distributed
Computing (DISC 2023). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, 5:1–5:21.
Pathania, A., Hopper, C., Pandi, A., Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Kushwaha, M. 2022. A synthetic communication system uncovers extracellular immunity that
self-limits bacteriophage transmission. bioRxiv.
Cravo, F., Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Prakash, G. 2022. MobsPy: A Meta-Species Language for Chemical Reaction Networks. Computational Methods in Systems Biology, Springer International Publishing, 277–285.
Cravo, F. and Nowak, T. 2022. Stochastic Multi-Distribution Modeling of Inter-Contact Times. In: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Information
Networking (ICOIN 2022). IEEE, New York, 220–225.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schwarz, M. 2021. Tight Bounds for Asymptotic and Approximate Consensus. Journal of the ACM (JACM).
Cho, D.-J., Függer, M., Hopper, C., Kushwaha, M., Nowak, T., and Soubeyran, Q. 2021. Distributed computation with continual population growth. Distributed Computing 35, 6, 547–569.
Merlet, G., Nowak, T., and Sergeev, S. 2021. On the tightness of bounds for transients of weak CSR expansions
and periodicity transients of critical rows and columns of tropical
matrix powers. Linear and Multilinear Algebra 70, 19, 4320–4350.
Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, A., Merlet, G., Nowak, T., and Sergeev, S. 2021. New bounds on the periodicity transient of the powers of a tropical
matrix: Using cyclicity and factor rank. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 811, 279–309.
Burman, J., Chen, H.-L., Chen, H.-P., et al. 2021. Time-Optimal Self-Stabilizing Leader Election in Population Protocols
. In: Proceedings of the 41st ACM Symposium on Distributed Computing
(PODC 2021). ACM, New York, 33–44.
Függer, M., Kushwaha, M., and Nowak, T. 2020. Digital Circuit Design for Biological and Silicon Computers. In: V. Singh, ed., Advances in Synthetic Biology. Springer, Heidelberg, 153–171.
Függer, M., Najvirt, R., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2020. A Faithful Binary Circuit Model. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
and Systems 39, 10, 2784–2797.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Winkler, K. 2020. On the radius of nonsplit graphs and information dissemination in
dynamic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 282, 257–264.
Cho, D.-J., Függer, M., Hopper, C., Kushwaha, M., Nowak, T., and Soubeyran, Q. 2020. Distributed Computation with Continual Population Growth. 34th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 7:1–7:17.
Xu, C., Beauquier, J., Burman, J., Kutten, S., and Nowak, T. 2020. Data collection in population protocols with non-uniformly random
scheduler. Theoretical Computer Science 806, 516–530.
Bakura, S.A., Lambert, A., and Nowak, T. 2020. Clock Synchronization with Exponential Smoothing for Dynamic Networks
, In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference on Information Sciences
and Systems (CISS 2020). IEEE, New York.
Maier, J., Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2019. Transistor-Level Analysis of Dynamic Delay Models. 25th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and
Systems (ASYNC), 76–85.
Nowak, T., Schmid, U., and Winkler, K. 2019. Topological Characterization of Consensus under General Message
Adversaries. In: Proceedings of the 39th ACM Symposium on Distributed Computing
(PODC 2019). ACM, New York, 218–227.
Nowak, T. and Rybicki, J. 2019. Byzantine Approximate Agreement on Graphs. In: Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Distributed
Computing (DISC 2019). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, 29:1–29:17.
Függer, M., Maier, J., Najvirt, R., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2018. A Faithful Binary Circuit Model with Adversarial Noise. Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), IEEE, 1327–1332.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schwarz, M. 2018. Tight Bounds for Asymptotic and Approximate Consensus. ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), ACM, 325–334.
Függer, M. and Nowak, T. 2018. Fast Multidimensional Asymptotic and Approximate Consensus. 32nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), 27:1–27:15.
Han, C.-Y., Nowak, T., and Lambert, A. 2018. Pulse Synchronization for Vehicular Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV
2018). IEEE, New York, 1125–1130.
Charron-Bost, B., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2017. New transience bounds for max-plus linear systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 219, 83–99.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schwarz, M. 2017. Brief Announcement: Lower Bounds for Asymptotic Consensus in Dynamic
Networks. 31st International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), 51:1–51:3.
Beauquier, J., Burman, J., Kutten, S., Nowak, T., and Xu, C. 2017. Data Collection in Population Protocols with Non-uniformly Random
Scheduler. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and
Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS 2017). Springer, Heidelberg, 13–25.
Charron-Bost, B., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2016. Multidimensional Asymptotic Consensus in Dynamic Networks. CoRR abs/1611.02496.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2016. Unfaithful Glitch Propagation in Existing Binary Circuit Models. IEEE Transactions on Computers 65, 3, 964–978.
Charron-Bost, B., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2016. Fast, Robust, Quantizable Approximate Consensus. 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and
Programming (ICALP), 137:1–137:14.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Charron-Bost, B. 2015. Diffusive clock synchronization in highly dynamic networks. 2015 49th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems
(CISS), 1–6.
Függer, M., Najvirt, R., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2015. Towards Binary Circuit Models That Faithfully Capture Physical
Solvability. Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 1455–1460.
Charron-Bost, B., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2015. Approximate Consensus in Highly Dynamic Networks: The Role of
Averaging Algorithms. 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and
Programming (ICALP), 528–539.
Najvirt, R., Függer, M., Nowak, T., Schmid, U., Hofbauer, M., and Schweiger, K. 2015. Experimental Validation of a Faithful Binary Circuit Model. Proceedings of the 25th Edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
(GLSVLSI), ACM, 355–360.
Függer, M., Kößler, A., Nowak, T., Schmid, U., and Zeiner, M. 2015. The effect of forgetting on the performance of a synchronizer. Performance Evaluation 93, 1–16.
Nowak, T. 2015. Asymptotic Consensus Without Self-Confidence. In: Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
(CDC 2015). IEEE, New York, 4133–4138.
Bouillard, A. and Nowak, T. 2015. Fast Symbolic Computation of the Worst-Case Delay in Tandem Networks
and Applications. Performance Evaluation 91, 270–285.
Függer, M., Kößler, A., Nowak, T., Schmid, U., and Zeiner, M. 2014. The Effect of Forgetting on the Performance of a Synchronizer. Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 185–200.
Nowak, T. and Charron-Bost, B. 2014. General Transience Bounds in Tropical Linear Algebra via Nachtigall
Decomposition. In: G.K. Litvinov and S.N. Sergeev, eds., Tropical and Idempotent Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, 277–289.
Merlet, G., Nowak, T., Schneider, H., and Sergeev, S. 2014. Generalizations of bounds on the index of convergence to weighted
digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 178, 121–134.
Merlet, G., Nowak, T., Schneider, H., and Sergeev, S. 2014. Generalizations of Bounds on the Index of Convergence to Weighted
Digraphs. In: Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
(CDC 2014). IEEE, New York, 1594–1599.
Merlet, G., Nowak, T., and Sergeev, S. 2014. Weak CSR expansions and transience bounds in max-plus algebra. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 461, 163–199.
Nowak, T., Függer, M., and Kößler, A. 2013. On the performance of a retransmission-based synchronizer. Theoretical Computer Science 509, 25–39.
Függer, M., Nowak, T., and Schmid, U. 2013. Unfaithful Glitch Propagation in Existing Binary Circuit Models. 2013 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits
and Systems (ASYNC), 191–199.
Charron-Bost, B., Függer, M., and Nowak, T. 2013. Transience Bounds for Distributed Algorithms. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 77–90.
Függer, M., Kößler, A., Nowak, T., and Zeiner, M. 2012. Brief Announcement: The Degrading Effect of Forgetting on a
Synchronizer. International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of
Distributed Systems (SSS), Springer, 90–91.
Nowak, T., Függer, M., and Kößler, A. 2011. On the Performance of a Retransmission-Based Synchronizer. Structural Information and Communication Complexity - 18th
International Colloquium (SIROCCO), Springer, 234–245.
- Transient Behavior of Distributed Algorithms and Digital Circuit
Models, PhD thesis, École polytechnique, 2014.
- Topology in Distributed Computing, Master's thesis, Vienna
University of Technology, 2010.
- Implementation and Evaluation of a Support Vector Machine on an
8-bit Microcontroller, Bachelor's thesis, Vienna University of
Technology, 2008.
Thomas Nowak
Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles
ENS Paris-Saclay
Room 2S57
4, avenue des Sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Phone: +33 1 81 87 54 31
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